Rules and regulations

1. Swiss Institute of Artificial Intelligence (SIAI) is an educational and research institution for university-level education in data science and business

2. SIAI’s motto is “Rerum Cognoscere Causaus”, which symbolizes the spirit of SIAI’s educational purpose that trains students to understand fundamental causes of things

3. Below listed programs are currently running

  • Master of Business Administration in AI & BigData (MBA in AI/BigData)
  • Masters of Science in Data Science (MSc in Data Science)

4. Below listed programs are in process of building and will be available by the schedule available on each program’s introduction

  • Bachelors of Science in Data Science (BSc in Data Science)
  • Masters of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (MSc in AI/DS)
  • Doctoral in Business Administration in AI & BigData (DBA in AI/BigData)

1. Section, Semester, Term

  • Each Section begins in Fall Semester, and is divided to Fall and Spring Semesters
  • Each semester is composed of three Terms, which are coded as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd terms
  • Fall semester begins in September, and Spring semester begins in March of each academic year

2. Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral program courses have 8 weeks in 1 term

3. Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral program courses have total 125 hours of study hours, which represents 5 ECTS*, and allocation of such hours can be divided to contact hours and self-learning hours designed by each course instructors

*ECTS: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

4. Program course schedule

  • Bachelors: 3 years
  • Masters: 1 year
  • Doctoral: 2 year
  • Above schedule can be adjusted by the director of each program\

5. Total training span

  • Bachelors: 6 years
  • Masters: 2 year
  • Doctoral: 4 year

Students cannot claim a diploma if exceed the training span, unless approved by the program director

1. Admission requirements for certificate

  • Bachelors: High school diploma or equivalent
  • Masters: Bachelors’ degree or equivalent
  • Doctoral: Masters’ degree or equivalent

2. Admission examination

  • Each program has to establish an admission committee
  • The admission committee has an authority to confirm types of admission examination

3. Cancellation of admission

1. Tuitions and fees

  • Students must be enrolled 1 month prior to the beginning of the programme
  • Students must be enrolled 15 days prior to the beginning of the following term
  • At SIAI, each semester is composed of 3 terms
  • For a re-sitting student for a course must be informed to academic registrar’s office ([email protected]) 15 days prior to the beginning of the course’s term

2. Payments

  • Payment must be transmitted to the SIAI’s designated account
  • Payment is due by the enrollment deadline
  • Re-sit fee must be paid by enrollment deadline

3. Leave of absence

  • Students must submit a form of leave of absence before 5/8 of each course to the director of the programme.
  • Leave of absence cannot be expanded over total training span, unless required by national duty, pregnancy, or approved by the director of the programme
  • Students without fulfilling each term’s assigned credit, unless approved by the programme director, should pay leave of absence fees, which is equivalent to 0.5 ECTS / term given the program’s tuition in that academic year (Effective 1/9/2022 for all current and future students)

4. Cancellation

  • Students can revoke enrollment 1 week prior to the first starting date of each term
  • Unclaimed fees and tuitions can be deferred to following terms
  • In case of termination of study, remaining paid credit should be reimbursed to the designated account no later than 14 business days
  • Once course materials are available online, SIAI does not provide any refund

5. Termination and expulsion

  • Students must submit a form for appeal of termination to the director of the programme
  • The management board can establish and conduct a hearing for the decision of expulsion for an incident of misbehavior

 1. ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System)

  • Each course carries 1 ECTS per 25 hours of study hours
  • For each term, 1 course cover 125 hours and 5 ECTS, unless specified by the director of the programme
  • Per academic dissertation carries 100 ECTS for doctoral, 30 ECTS for masters, and 15 ECTS for bachelors
  • For bachelors, a research project can replace academic dissertation

2. Graduation requirements

  • Bachelors : 180 ECTS
  • Masters : 90 ECTS
  • Doctora l: 360 ECTS

3. Credit transfer

  • Bachelors at graduation year are eligible for upto 20 ECTS Masters courses, if approved by the director of the programme
  • Such credit can be either used for the aggregated sum of bachelor’s degree or transferred to master’s degree, but cannot be used for both
  • If masters and doctoral studies require pre-requisites from bachelor’s, the credit is not included for final graduation

4. Credit approval

  • A course with grade of D- are considered approved, otherwise students must re-sit the course examination to re-claim the credit

1. Evaluation

  • If below 39, the letter grade is F, which requires re-sit for credit. For students with grade D, unless it is P/F course, it is student’s choice to re-sit
GradeP/FScore gradeAmerican equivalent
A+Pass77% or above4.3
A0Pass73% ~ 76%4.0
A-Pass70% ~ 72%3.7
B+Pass67% ~ 69%3.3
B0Pass63% ~ 66%3.0
B-Pass60% ~ 62%2.7
C+Pass57% ~ 59%2.3
C0Pass53% ~ 56%2.0
C-Pass50% ~ 52%1.7
D+Fail47% ~ 49%1.3
D0Fail43% ~ 46%1.0
D-Fail40% ~ 42%0.7
FFail39% or below0

2. Re-sit

  • All re-sits must be approved by the direct of the programme 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the course
  • Students who need to re-sit the next exam due to personal issues must submit a notification to the course trainer prior to 5/8 of the course