
Foster Data Scientists
with strong fundamentals

A true Data Scientist must be well-versed in math & stat

SIAI is found to train and produce supreme quality data scientists with in-depth training in mathematics and statistics, which we believe are academic language. Although each programme has varying degrees of requirements, below admission criteria are shared across minor disciplines.

  • Students with philosophy of training not by memory but by logical reasoning
  • Students with philosophy of reasoning not by single elements but by interconnections

Teaching is easier for teachers if it is only for memorizing, but it has near 0 value for students. At SIAI, we emphasize logical and abstractive reasoning for acquiring and processing new knowledge that are fundamentals for problem solving. Students ready for such training, not with extensive amount of prior study, are our most-wanted candidates. 


Academic study is to find or define a common rule in nature and/or society. This is called “abstraction”, which is a first step in every discipline in academia. At SIAI, it is also our first goal of education that students are trained to be well-versed in abstracting from our surroundings and develop them in theory whether academic or not. Such potential is our very first key for admission.


Learning has no use if it cannot be applied to real world. It happens often when learning is only about “memorizing”. At SIAI, we focus on solving problems that are close to reality. It is not just a difficult mathematical problem. Once students understand abstraction, they can apply our classroom solution to everyday business. Students dedicated to learn such problem solving skill will find that our curriculum is perfect fit for their future career.


For a motivation to non-native English speakers, there is a saying that all key knowledge is written in English. It is true, but it is also true that more advanced knowledge is written in mathematics. It is the academic language that is used to almost every discipline, thus SIAI’s education is focused to train students to learn how to “read” mathematics and “translate” it in plain English, which is an essential skill in the corporate enviroments.



Application: Until July 10th, 2022 
Where to : SIAI Application


  • MBA in AI BigData


  • Academic transcript of all previous higher education (university level)
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Application fees


  • 1st stage : Paper screening
  • 2nd stage : Business Interview 


Application: Until July 10th, 2022
Where to: SIAI Application


  • MSc in Data Science


  • Academic transcript of all previous higher education (university level)
  • CV/Resume
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Application fees


  • 1st stage : Preparation examination
  • 2nd stage : Business Interview