
[MAT522] Games with Incomplete Information

Course IDMAT522
ProgramArtificial Intelligence

This advanced game theory course covers Bayesian games that are under limited information, asymmetric information, and incomplete information. Games that will be discussed are

  • The Beer-Quiche game
  • The Centipede game
  • Zero-Sum game / Non-zero-sum game / Vector payoff cases
  • Signaling game – Separating/pooling equilibria
  • Global / Local models in infinite games (Harsanyi equilibrium)
  • Common knowledge game

Along with some topological theorem, a number of mathematical theorems will be a part of this course. However mathematical it is, the problem solving will be mostly based on microeconomics principle in order to avoid further complication in logic building and problem solving. Therefore, students are expected to have some knowledge of utility theory from microeconomics, in addition to basic game theory.