About Us

The true academic name of Artificial Intelligence (AI), often a synonym of Data Science, is Computational Science. The advent of this new academic study has long been pre-dated by the limitations of top-down logic modeling and real-life data based researches. Computational Science relies on mathematical and statistical approaches as was the traditional methodologies, but are also benefited by artificially generated simulation data and multi-patterned big data, both of which traditional model-based approaches fail to leverage full potential of the data sets.

There are a myriad of disqualified coding-only schools with shallow mathematical and statistical understanding for teaching AI. Untold number of engineers claim themselves data scientists with surprisingly limited understanding of mathematical statistics in computational science. SIAI counter-claims that the new approaches must be multi-disciplined ranging from mathematics, statistics, computer science to bio, economics as well as information science. SIAI believes, with all the necessary trainings, we can call ourselves “Data scientists”.

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business team with laptop having discussion