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Sungsu Han (MBA AI/BigData, Class of 2024)

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4 months 1 week
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GIAI Admin

Previous school: BS in Electronic Engineering, KyungHee University

I took it while working at the company and taking SIAI school classes in parallel.
It was a near-death schedule that put me through a hard time, and it taught me a lot.
One of my favorite stories says: Go beyond your limits. I was able to gain that experience while working at a company and attending SIAI.
I learned that I can achieve greater growth when I push myself to my breaking point.
Many SIAI students besides me are having similar experiences.
It has been a great asset in my life to be able to meet friends with majors in various fields with whom I can share suffering and grow together as school colleagues, teachers, and friends.
I am currently enrolled in SIAI MBA AI/BigData and am about to graduate.
While writing my graduation thesis, I learned through SIAI's educational philosophy how to find solutions that only I can create to solve problems.